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Women's Bra size is made up of the underbreast girth and cup depth

1. Underbreast girth. Measured in centimeters. Measure the girth under breast by a measuring tape. The closest value in centimetres, multiple to 5, will be the girth of your bra size in the European size system.

2. Completeness of cup. Indicated by the letters A, B, C, D, etc. Defined as the difference between the girth of upperbreast and underbreast. For the measure of cup completeness you need to measure the girth of upperbreast (breast girth) on the most exposed pointsand and takes away the value of breast girth. The value differce in centimeters will define the cup depth, see the charts below.

Underbreast girth 65 70 75 80 85 90
Girth under the breast, sm 63-68 68-73 73 -78 78-83 83-88 88-93
Size, Italy 1 2 3 4 5 6
Size, France 80 85 90 95 100 105
Size, England 30 32 34 36 38 40

Cup completeness A B C D E F
Difference between the girth  upperbreast and underbreast, sm 10-12 13 -15 15-17 18-20 20-22 23-25 ​​

Warning! Cup size increases with the size of the girth under the breast. Producers proportionally increase the fullness of the cup upon the increasing of underbreast girth. This means that the cup depth in a size 80B deeper and longer than the size of 75B.
Interchangeable sizes. To define the interchangeable size you can by increasing the girth under the breast for one size and reducing to the one size the cup fullness, or vice versa. For example, 70C size might fit up to 75B, and 75B on the size of 80A. This interchangeability is achieved by adjusting the upperbreast girth by the bra clasps.

For more detail information about the product and size you can get by:

  • asking question operators by

    More detailed information about the product and sizes you can get by:
    - asking operators by phones: 044 233-77-88 ; 0 800 200-745
    - sending a request by e-mail: ;
    - specifying the question in the comments during the processing of ordering.

    : 044 233-77-88; 0800 200-745
  • sending a request by e-mail: ;
  • specifying a question in the comments upon ordering.
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